Skin Renew – Fractional Laser

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Skin Renew – Fractional Laser

Fractional laser are the latest system devices used for skin rejuvenation. Due to their high therapeutic effect and low side effects, they have become the most preferred methods.
Fractional laser is the first method chosen in the treatment of acne scars, scars, facial sagging and cracks. And it is effective on the upper and lower layers of the skin. In fractional laser systems, laser light is sent to the skin in tiny columns.
The advantage of this method is that there is little damage to the skin, as intact skin areas remain around the tiny areas of damage. Thus, the healing of the skin is much faster, and the rate of side effects of lasers is reduced.

Fractional lasers regenerate cells in the areas where these tiny columns are sent.

During this renewal, the spots of the upper skin can be removed. In the lower skin, it causes heat damage in small areas and triggers the formation of new collagen in these areas. This regeneration of the lower skin enables fractional lasers to be effective in the treatment of scars, wrinkles and acne scars.

Today, fractional lasers are divided into two groups:

  • Non-ablative (effective without peeling) fractional laser:

They are devices with wavelengths of 1550 nm, 1440 nm, and 1540 nm. It is the first reported laser system as a fractional laser (fraxel). It provides skin regeneration by making heat damage to the lower skin without making much change in the upper skin.

  • Ablative (peeling effective) fractional laser:

10600 nm co2 laser and 2940 nm erbium lasers are used. With this fractional laser (fraxel) peeling of the upper skin, there is a regeneration of the lower skin.

In which treatments is  used?

  • Skin rejuvenation (wrinkle treatment, skin sagging treatment)
  • Acne scar treatment
  • Stretch mark treatment
  • Scar treatment
  • Spot treatment

In fractional laser applications:

  • Fair skin tones are ideal cases for fractional laser. However, it can also be used in dark-skinned patients. It can be used on the neck, trunk and arms other than the face.
  • Some patients may experience discomfort during the application. This discomfort is easily relieved with local anesthetic creams or cold air blowers.
  • There may be a slight redness and edema after the procedure. There may be slight peeling and tanning on the skin. However, such situations regress within 3-7 days.
  • With fractional lasers, it can remove mild to moderate wrinkles, spots and superficial acne and scars. It can improve deep wrinkles, spots and scars.
    In fractional laser treatments are done in sessions.
  • Depending on the type of complaint, at least 3 sessions can be done at intervals of 3-8 weeks.

Situations where fractional laser should not be used:

  • Oral isotretinoin should not be used within 6 months.
  • There should be no active infection of the skin.
  • It is not applied to pregnant people.
  • It does not apply to patients with unrealistic expectations.

Care after fractional laser application:

  • Complaints after the operation are mild and temporary. A feeling of sunburn may be felt for up to an hour after the procedure.
  • Make-up can be applied after the treatment.
  • Light moisturizers can be applied after fractional laser.
  • If there is facial edema, cooling with ice packs may be helpful.
  • After the fractional laser, sunbathing should be avoided for 6-12 months and sunscreen should be used.

Side effects after treatment:

Side effects seen in lasers may occur in fractional laser applications. However, the incidence of side effects is very low.

  • Temporary or permanent staining
  • Acne attack
  • Color opening areas
  • Herpes infection attack
  • Infection
  • Scar


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