Breast Lift

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Breast Lift

A breast lift is a plastic surgery that tightens and lifts sagging, drooping breasts for a shapelier, more youthful breast appearance.

The breast and nipple restored back to its youthful anatomical position following the effects of aging, weight loss or pregnancy through a breast lift, or mastopexy.

Restoration of a breast to its anatomical position is dependent on many factors, including age, quality of skin, history of pregnancy and history of weight loss.

The breast lift procedure is intended to give women an elevated, more youthful breast contour, as well ensure the desired size of the nipple-areolar complexes are at the correct height and location.

Surgical Technique

A breast lift typically takes 2 to 3 hours to complete. It is performed under general anesthesia procedure. There are several possible techniques for a breast lift. If there is breast volume asymmetry, it can be corrected by removing excess volume from the larger breast. All techniques typically require extreme skin excision to assist in reshaping the breast. These techniques are designed to move the nipple to a younger position.

During – After Surgery

Bandages applied a few days after surgery are usually removed. Patients should wear a support bra or compression bandage to help support and position the breasts. They will feel tight as the skin adapts to the new breast shape. The swelling disappears within a few weeks. The scars will be pink for a few weeks, but will disappear in a few months. Patients will be able to resume light daily activities after the first few days. However, they should wait about 3 weeks for more sports. Most patients return to work within 2 weeks unless their job is to lift weights or play sports.


Combine With Other Procedures?

A breast lift is often combined with other body contouring procedures, such as a tummy tuck, breast augmentation or liposuction.

If there are combined surgeries, the prices will decrease by 30% – 40%.

When Can I Go Back To Work?

Every person recovers differently. The recovery period depends on how many procedures were performed at the same time. The average return to work for the standard breast lift is 1 week.

When Can I Exercise?

The average return to routine exercise is no sooner than 2 months. The swelling after breast lift surgery requires more time to heal.

Bra Shopping?

The breast volume will not change, so your current bra size will fit. The biggest difference will be the shape and appearance of the breasts without clothing.

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