What is Caffeine?

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What is Caffeine?

Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance of 60 different plant species. Coffee, tea, cola and energy drinks are the most common sources of caffeine in a Western diet.

What are the Effects of Caffeine?

The cafe has many short-term effects. Some of the most common short-term effects of caffeine consumption are:

  • Increased wakefulness (caffeine is a mild stimulant)
  • The heart runs faster.
  • If you go further to the bathroom (caffeine is laxative).
  • Increases your body temperature
  • Causes your digestive system to produce more acid
  • It takes 4 to 6 hours to erase the effects of caffeine.

How Much Caffeine Is More?

The moderate amounts of caffeine taken by healthy individuals are probably not harmful. However, regular use of high amounts of caffeine (350 mg / day) may result in addiction; this is called cafeimine and adversely affects health.

Drinking large amounts of cola can cause caffeine ingestion just like daily morning coffee.

What are the damages of getting excessive caffeine?

Some of the most common symptoms of the ovarian cage are:

  • Chronic insomnia
  • Continuous concern
  • Depression
  • Not being calm
  • Heart palpitations
  • Stomach problems
  • Headaches in the absence of caffeine

Bad news

According to a study conducted in Finland, people who drink more than a few cups of coffee per day have an increased risk of rheumatic arthritis.

Unfiltered coffee can increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Coffee doesn’t make a drunk man sober, he just warns them.

Excess caffeine increases the risk of bone resorption and bone fractures.

Two bottles of cola drink increase anxiety and negatively affect sleep.

Caffeine may increase the symptoms of life-associated breast glands in some women.

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