10 Key Health Benefits of Eating Date Fruite

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10 Key Health Benefits of Eating Date Fruite

Date fruit is very rich in fiber. It meets 10% of the daily requirement of magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese minerals and vitamins A and B. At the same time, very rich food antioxidants strengthen immunity. With these vitamins and minerals it contains, the date palm is called a ‘full medicinal fruit’.

1-Keeping it Full 

The date provides a feeling of satiety for a long time with its high fiber content. It is useful to consume dried fruits such as walnuts and almonds along with dates. Thus , you will not experience problems such as fatigue while fasting, as it will not cause a sudden change in your blood sugar .

2-Boosts Immunity 

Especially during the pandemic period, the immune system gained more importance. Dates, which are indispensable on the tables in Ramadan, also strengthen immunity thanks to the antioxidants it contains. If you add tahini on it, the Date fruitwill be more delicious and satisfying.

3-Effective Against Headache 

Date fruit can help relieve headache with the magnesium it contains. If you have a headache problem while fasting, it is useful to consume dates, especially in sahur. Do not forget to drink plenty of water with dates. Because your headache can also be caused by lack of fluid.

4- Complete Energy Storage 

With the decrease in the number of meals in Ramadan, fatigue and fatigue problems are frequently experienced. Thanks to the B vitamins in the palm content, it is also good for fatigue by making the energy systems work better.

 5-Protects Against Constipation 

During Ramadan, digestive complaints such as constipation may occur due to the decrease of fluid in our body. Thanks to the fiber in the palm content, it increases bowel movements and is effective against constipation.

 6-Good for Heart Health 

Since dates are rich in potassium, they provide fluid and electrolyte balance of the body. With this effect, it helps regulate blood pressure by balancing blood pressure.

 7-Prevents Muscle Pain and Cramps 

Date fruite with a high potassium content. Thanks to its potassium content, dates are good for symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, cramps, fatigue and weakness .

 8-Strengthens Bone Structures 

Date fruit strengthens bone structures with the effect of the calcium it contains. Dates are recommended for the risk of osteoporosis, which is common in women, especially in older ages.

 9-Regulates the Digestive System 

With  its high fiber structure, dates also relieve digestion. It balances stomach acid and prevents sudden hunger and heartburn. Due to these effects, people who have stomach problems can easily choose dates.

 10-Protects Skin Health 

Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, dates protect skin health. It provides a more vibrant and moist appearance by improving the skin structures.


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